Healthcare Databases
Some staff and learners need to carry out complex, robust and reproduceable searches including for systematic reviews and informing research. These advanced searches should be conducted in healthcare databases via the provider interfaces, and can be supported by your library service. Information on how to access and use these databases is linked on this page. For any further support please contact your library.
Databases contain references to journal articles, guidelines, manuscripts, dissertations and book chapters. The following databases can be accessed anywhere. An NHS OpenAthens username and password is required to access those databases marked with an asterisk(*).
Covering the UK's most popular nursing, midwifery and community health material.
Access via ProQuest
User Guide (nb. guide has been produced by Northern Care Alliance library service, but step 2 onwards is applicable to all)
Access to virtually all the English language nursing journals as well as journals from allied health disciplines.
Access via EBSCO
User Guide (guide has been produced by Northern Care Alliance library service, but step 2 onwards is applicable to all)
Cochrane Library
Provides information and evidence to support decisions taken in healthcare by preparing, maintaining and promoting access to different types of high quality evidence to inform healthcare decision making. A source of best evidence on effective treatments and healthcare interventions, and information to support evidence-based healthcare
Access (Access to the Cochrane Library does not require a password, however it is worth registering with the site if you want to save your search histories.)
Information on drugs and pharmacology and all other aspects of human medicine and related disciplines.
Access via Ovid
Help guides:
- Ovid quick reference guide 4 page PDF explaining key functions in Ovid.
- Skills Video | OvidGo! - Wolters Kluwer Wide range of short traininig videos taking you from a basic introduction to databases, right through to advanced searching.
- Ovid Tools & Resources Portal-Browse all videos Longer videos helping you with a wide range of Ovid functions.
Covers all nursing specialties and nursing healthcare professions. Emcare includes international coverage of allied health, education and training, development and management, midwifery, health and healthcare economics, clinical medical and healthcare social work, psychiatry and mental health, and traumatology, emergency and critical-care medicine.
Access via Ovid
User Guide (guide has been produced by Northern Care Alliance library service, but step 2 onwards is applicable to all)
Areas covered include health management and services, social care and NHS organisation and administration.
Access via Ovid
User Guide (guide has been produced by Northern Care Alliance library service, but step 2 onwards is applicable to all)
Covering all aspects of medicine including dentistry, veterinary medicine and medical psychology.
Access via Ovid
User Guide (guide has been produced by Northern Care Alliance library service, but step 2 onwards is applicable to all)
OT seeker
Contains abstracts of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials relevant to occupational therapy.
Covers psychology and psychological aspect of medicine, nursing, physiology and linguistics.
Access via ProQuest
User Guide (guide has been produced by Northern Care Alliance library service, but step 2 onwards is applicable to all)
Covering all aspects of medicine including dentistry, veterinary medicine and medical psychology. A limited version of Medline, available to all.
This is a database of of full-text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe & Huber
SPP brings together information from six of the UK’s leading collections of social policy and practice resources:
- Centre for Policy on Ageing
- Idox Information Service
- National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
- Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Greater London Authority
- National Children’s Bureau
An OpenAthens account gives all NHS staff and learners access to a wide range of online resources.