A-Z of Resources

A-Z links to the full range of online information resources subscribed to by the Leeds Libraries for Health partners, as well as useful freely available websites and databases.
For guidance on finding and accessing different types of evidence resources for your needs, explore our Find Evidence section.
To find key information and evidence resources selected for your job role and key topics in healthcare, use our Topic Guides.
An OpenAthens account is required to access those resources marked with an asterisk(*). For help with any of these resources please contact us.
- AMED* (via ProQuest)
- Anatomy TV*(LCH and Leeds ICB / primary care staff only)
- BestBets
- BioMed Central
- BMJ Best Practice (from Trust network - no OpenAthens password required)
- BMJ Best Practice* (link for off-site access -type Leeds to find your organisation)
- BNI* (via ProQuest)
- British National Formulary (BNF)
- British National Formulary for Children (BNFC)
- BrowZine*
- Clinical Key* (LTHT Only)
- Clinical Knowledge Summaries
- Clinicalskills.net* (LCH and primary care/ICB staff only)
- ClinicalTrials.gov
- Cochrane Clinical Answers
- The Cochrane Library
- Critical Appraisal Toolkits
- Embase and Emcare (via Ovid)
- EthOS
- Evidence Hub: What Drives Health Inequalities?
- GARD (Genetic & Rare Diseases)
- Google Scholar
- Health Business Elite* (LCH staff only)
- Healthtalkonline
- HMIC* (via Ovid)
- Kortext*
- Leeds Health Pathways (link to access on NHS network)
- Library Catalogue - Leeds Libraries for Health
- LibKey.io
- Local Health (Public Health England)
- Local Practice Case Studies
- Medline* (via Ovid)
- National Rehabilitation Information Center
- NDLTD (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations)
- NHS Website
- NICE Guidance
- NIHR Evidence Collections
- NIHR Journals Library
- NORD - National Organization for Rare Disorders
- Open Grey
- Orphanet
- OTseeker
- Oxford Medicine Online*
- PEDro
- Prospero (International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews)
- ProQuest ebook Central*
- PsycArticles*
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
- PsycINFO*
- Public Health Profiles
- Pubmed
- Rare Diseases NZ (RDNZ)
- The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures*
- Social Care Online
- SumSearch2
- TOXNET (TOXicology Data NETwork)
- Transfusion Evidence Library
- TRIP Database
- Visible Body Human Anatomy Atlas* (LCH staff only)
An OpenAthens account gives all NHS staff and learners access to a wide range of online resources.