**Resources to Support Equality and Diversity in Healthcare
NHS England is committed to ‘high quality care for all, now and for future generations.’ We know from evidence that we cannot be successful in achieving this vision without advancing equality and tackling health inequalities. (NHSE, 2016).
Supporting equality, diversity and inclusion, in our workforces and for our patients, is a vitally important objective for the NHS.
Our libraries work with healthcare staff across Leeds to support these objectives by providing good quality information resources to help staff to learn more about the impact of inequalities and discrimination. Some of these resources are linked here. Please get in touch if you need further help with finding information on any of these topics, or other aspects of equality and diversity in healthcare.
Equality and diversity in the NHS
NHS England: Equality, diversity and health inequalities
The Equality and Health Inequalities Hub
The Hub is designed to provide support and assistance to the NHS, and beyond, in promoting equality and tackling health inequalities for all patients, communities and the NHS workforce. It brings together equality and health inequalities resources and provides useful links and information for the sharing of good practice.
King's Fund
King's Fund have produced a wide range of high quality work on discrimination and issues of equality and diversity within the health and care workforce.
Racial Inequalities
Workforce race inequalities and inclusion in NHS providers (Kings Fund, 2020)
Addressing race inequalities in the NHS workforce is critical on multiple levels. Experiences of discrimination can cast a long shadow on ethnic minority NHS staff; the impact on people can be profound. There are also wider implications for the health service: evidence shows that fair treatment of staff is linked to a better experience of care for patients. Moreover, the NHS is in the midst of a workforce crisis and improving its performance on diversity and inclusion will play an important role in the NHS becoming a better place to work and build a career.
The snowy white peaks of the NHS: a survey of discrimination in governance and leadership and the potential impact on patient care in London and England (Kline, 2014)
An important report considering the extent of the gap between the diversity apparent in the workforce and the local population, and that visible among Trust leaderships and senior management.
BMJ Special Issue 'Racism in Medicine', 2020
(Log in via OpenAthens to access full text)
LGBT+ Inclusion
Explore our LGBTQ+ Health Topic Guide
Clinical Images for Black and Brown Skin
Clinical images for black and brown skin
- Dadzie OE, Petit A, Alexis AF. Ethnic Dermatology: Principles and Practice. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. [pp1-30 free download]
- Mind the gap: A handbook of clinical signs in Black and Brown skin
See also:
- Brownskinmatters on Instagram - images
- Skin Deep – paediatrics – from Don’t Forget the Bubbles (DFTB) and the Royal London Hospital (RLH) Includes lists of conditions in paediatrics
- Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology, University of Nottingham
Bringing together information sources, systematic reviews and review articles on topics of relevance to skin of colour.
List of journal publications about skin of colour in medicine.
The PCDS website is recognised as one of the world’s leading dermatology websites with a comprehensive diagnostic resource and concise guidance on the management of skin conditions.
- See Pigmented skin types - clinical variations
- Also does conditions by name so expect images for darker skin types to be included with the condition, where available.
The world’s authority on skin information. New Zealand.
- See Dermatological conditions in skin of colour
- Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology, Nottingham cites DermNet as source for its images.
https://www.visualdx.com/ diagnostic clinical decision support system designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy and aid therapeutic decisions.
Further Reading - Books to Support Equality and Diversity Work
These links take you to lists within our library catalogue. Here you can find details of the books on these topics which are available across the Pan-Leeds collaboration libraries. For more details on how to borrow these books, please get in touch with your local library.
Equality and diversity at work
LTHT BME Network collection, funded by Leeds Hospitals Charity
These books have been purchased in collaboration with LTHT BME staff network, with funding kindly provided by Leeds Hospitals Charity. Find out more about the need for and purpose of this collection, in this interview with Ester Jamera, co-chair of the BME network, and Corporate Support Librarian Beth Tapster.