An OpenAthens account gives all NHS staff and learners access to a wide range of online resources.
Staff from across the world are vitally important to the NHS. Your library service is here to support you throughout your career in the UK, helping you to find, access and use the evidence that you need for clinical practice and your personal and professional development.
Undertaking advanced qualifications which require academic research and writing can be challenging, especially if you have not studied in the UK before. Academic writing style is different to everyday written communication. It needs to have a formal tone, and present clear arguments in a logical way. It does not need to be overly complicated, but does need to be well planned, accurate, focussed and proofread.
We have lots of resources to support staff who are returning to study, which you can browse in our Study Skills Topic Guide.
This includes lots of books you can borrow to support you to develop your study skills.
LTHT staff can also book on to Taught student workshops and webinars from Skills@Library at the University of Leeds. This is a programme of in person and online teaching sessions on a wide range of academic skills, from taking notes on your reading to improving your academic writing.
Support information for international nurses and midwives | NHS Employers
NHS Professionals International | NHS Professionals
International Nurses | Royal College of Nursing (
Coming to work in the UK | Advice guides | Royal College of Nursing (
Commissioned Papers – International Centre on Nurse Migration (
International Retention Toolkit | NHS Employers
International Recruitment Toolkit | NHS Employers
International Recruitment - FutureNHS Collaboration Platform
Overseas nurse recruitment and the NHS | Nuffield Trust
#StayAndThrive podcast | NHS Employers
NHS England » Nursing workforce – International recruitment
Recent publications:
Accelerated preceptorship model for internationally educated nurses | NHS Employers
New to Leeds - A guide for migrants moving to Leeds from abroad
An OpenAthens account gives all NHS staff and learners access to a wide range of online resources.