
This page signposts to resources and services to support and develop you in your choice of career.

Useful Links

Career Compass Leeds is a tool for exploring health and social care careers in Leeds. It can be used by anyone wanting to know more about the available opportunities. The website provides a quiz to give a bit of direction on the kind of roles suited to your interests as well as listings of hundreds of types of roles in this sector.

The tool has been developed in partnership with Leeds health and care employers, colleges, universities and schools. It is based on the information provided to the Leeds Health and Care Academy by the hundreds of young people who worked with in the design and production process.

If you have any questions or feedback, email

This website contains information on working in health including pay and benefits and the range of roles available.   This website also includes a simple quiz to help you find your health career and also advice on career planning to help you take the next step in your career progression.

Advice is also available from the Health Careers service on 0345 60 60 655 or  

Click on a link below for specific publications


National Careers Service

Provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.  You can explore careers, take a skills health check to find what kind of jobs may be right for you of find a course.

Advice is available on 0800 100 900 (8am-10pm, 7 days a week or via webchat -

Step Into the NHS

This website is aimed at people who are thinking of working in the NHS.  It includes a careers A-Z, information about apprenticeships and real life stories


Leeds Libraries for Health have a wide range of books on the following topics to support your career and development.

Contact your local library if you would like to book not listed on our catalogue.

Profession Specific Information


Royal College of Chiropractors - Training to become a chiropractor


British Dietetic Association - CPD

Nurses, Health Care Assistants and Midwives (RCN)

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) provides career guidance and support to RCN members including the following publications:

The RCN also offers various services to members including:

If you're a RCN member and have to write a supporting statement as part of your job application, you can book an appointment with a member of the Careers Team, to get advice, suggestions and feedback before you submit it.  Please call RCN Direct on 0345 772 6100 to book an appointment.

Occupational Therapists

Royal College of Occupational Therapists - CPD@RCOT 


Royal College of Podiatry - Careers in Podiatry

Career opportunities (


Chartered Institute of Physiotherapy - Career Development


The Society of Radiographers - Career Progression

Speech & Language Therapists

Royal College of Speech & Language Therapy - Becoming a SLT

Revalidation and CPD