Resources for Allied Health Professionals

Leeds Libraries for Health provide a wide range of support for all of the Allied Health Professionals in our organisations, from access to books, journals and specialised search tools, to training in key information skills.
Click on a heading below to find out about resources to support you on your professional journey.
If you have any queries about the resources listed here, or would like to discuss how we can support you or your team further, please visit our contact page.
Books and eBooks
- Browse some of the books available to your from healthcare libraries across Yorkshire and Humber on each of these Allied Health Professions
- To borrow items join your library and contact us with any queries.
- Oxford Medicine Online: (Select 'Sign in via your institution' and search for NHS in England, then sign in with your OpenAthens account) A digital platform hosting Oxford University Press' prestigious medical titles. Our collection includes the full series of Oxford Handbooks in Allied Health.
- If you are looking for a specific book you can search our library catalogue to see where it is held. If we do not have the book you need within our library collections, we may be able to obtain it for you from another NHS library - email us or complete a request form .
- eBooks are listed in the catalogue and can be accessed using an NHS OpenAthens account.
- You can also find and access ebooks through the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub
Clinical Guidelines
- Nice Guidance
- Leeds Health Pathways contains guidelines from all Leeds Healthcare Trusts and other organisations including the Yorkshire Cancer Network, NICE and various professional bodies. This resource is only available on an NHSnet computer.
- Trip Pro (sign in with OpenAthens for access to Pro version). This database i aims to deliver the highest quality literature to support evidence based practice. The content includes evidence-based guidelines.
Finding Information and Evidence
If you are searching for evidence to inform your practice, help with CPD, underpin a new guideline or project, or any other purpose, these resources are a good place to start:
- NHS Knowledge and Library Hub: a single gateway for seamless access to a range of high quality knowledge and evidence resources all in one place. Sign in with your OpenAthens account to view the full range of resources available to you. Find out more about the Knowledge and Library Hub.
- Trip Pro: a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care. Sign in with your Open Athens account to access the Pro version.
- BMJ Best Practice: a medical search engine that runs right from your browser via desktop or mobile device. They have collated all their pages on nutrition
- Clinical Key: (LTHT only, sign in with Open Athens to access): a medical search engine that runs right from your browser via desktop or mobile device.
- PeDRO: Provides access to references and abstracts of randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.
- OTSeeker: Contains abstracts of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials relevant to occupational therapy.
- Healthcare databases: For in depth, reproducible literature searches (eg. for research and publication), use of the healthcare databases is advised. More information, and guides on using these databases, can be found on our healthcare databases page. The following databases have particularly good coverage of the allied health professions, and are all available through your OpenAthens account:
- CINAHL - Provides access to virtually all the English language nursing journals, as well as journals from 17 allied health disciplines. Access via EBSCO
- AMED - Specialises in complementary or alternative medicine and fields allied to medicine. Access via Ovid.
- Emcare- includes international coverage of allied health, education and training, development and management, midwifery, health and healthcare economics, clinical medical and healthcare social work, psychiatry and mental health, and traumatology, emergency and critical-care medicine.
- For support in carrying out a literature search, see our training page. You can also request a search to be carried out by one of our librarians.
- Use Browzine to explore the full range of online journals available to you through your OpenAthens account. Search 'Leeds' to find your organisation and then navigate to the relevant subject section to explore. Browse journals on the following topics:
- Alternatively, you can use the Journals A-Z to search for a specific journal title and check if we have access. This will also search the small collection of print journals that we have in our libraries. Examples of AHP topics with results:
- If you are looking for a specific article from a journal, you can get full text access by search for the article title in the Knowledge and Library Hub. If you know the DOI or PMID of the article, use for quick access to full text.
Professional Bodies
Chiropodists / podiatrists
Occupational Therapists
Operating Department Practitioners
Prosthetists and Orthotists
Speech and Language Therapists
Art Therapists
Drama Therapist
Music Therapist
Libraries are here to support you with the re-registration process.
Find out more about support for revalidation and re-registration.
Your library service is here to support you in many different ways throughout your career. As well as the information resources highlighted on this page, we provide:
- Information skills training, including tailored training for teams
- Literature searching service
- Study space and PCs
- Support with Quality Improvement work
Useful Websites
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Phyisopedia - "The Physiopedia charity provides an evidence-based and continually updating knowledge resource that is free for anyone to access - some people call us "Wikipedia for the physiotherapy profession". "
Open Athens
An OpenAthens account gives all NHS staff and learners access to a wide range of online resources.