Resources for Nurses and Midwives

Leeds Libraries for Health provide a wide range of support for nurses and midwives at all points in your career, from books, journals and specialised search tools to training in key information skills for nursing. If you have any queries about the resources listed here, or would like to discuss how we can support you or your team further, please contact us.
Finding Information and Evidence
- NHS Knowledge and Library Hub: a single gateway for seamless access to a range of high quality knowledge and evidence resources all in one place. Sign in with your OpenAthens account to view the full range of resources available to you. Find out more about the Knowledge and Library Hub.
- Trip Pro: a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care. Sign in with your Open Athens account to access the Pro version.
- Clinical Key: (LTHT only, sign in with Open Athens to access): a medical search engine that runs right from your browser via desktop or mobile device and gives you instant access to:
- Full-text reference books and journals including top titles such as Gray’s Anatomy, Goldman’s Cecil Medicine, Braunwald’s Heart Disease, The Lancet and Mayo Clinic Proceedings
- Clinical Overviews that provide succinct, easy-to-navigate summaries for quick answers
- Drug monographs
- Medical and procedure videos and images
- Customizable patient education handouts
- Practice guidelines
- Clinical calculators and more
- BMJ Best Practice (sign in with OpenAthens to access): one of the world's most trusted resources for day-to-day practice, used by multiprofessional care teams worldwide.
- Search by detailed symptom or a broader clinical topic
- Share information and discuss treatment options with patients using our accredited patient leaflets
- Stay current and support your professional development. Record reading with automatic CME/CPD tracking to support revalidation and appraisals
- Reassurance whenever and wherever you need it, with online, mobile and offline access via the Best Practice app.
Books and Journals on Midwifery and Nursing Practice
- Browse the books available from our libraries on the following aspects of midwifery and nursing practice:
- Breastfeeding and infant feeding
- Communication skills
- Care planning and pathways
- Continuous Professional Development
- Equality and diversity
- Fetal monitoring
- Fluids, electrolytes and metabolism
- Infection prevention & control
- Midwifery skills
- Nursing models
- Nursing skills
- Patient-centred care
- Quality improvement
- Reflective practice
- Safeguarding
- Study skills
- Tissue viability
- To borrow books join your library and contact us with any queries.
- If you are looking for a specific book you can search our library catalogue to see where it is held. If we do not have the book you need within our library collections, we may be able to obtain it for you from another NHS library - email us or complete a request form .
- eBooks can be accessed using an NHS OpenAthens account.
- Oxford Medicine Online: (Select 'Sign in via your institution' and search for NHS in England, then sign in with your OpenAthens account) A digital platform hosting Oxford University Press' prestigious medical titles. Our collection includes the full series of Oxford Handbooks in Nursing.
- Use Browzine to explore the full range of nursing journals available to you through your OpenAthens account. Search 'Leeds' to find your organisation and then navigate to the nursing subject section to explore.
- MAH Complete includes a wide range of nursing related journals, including the British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, British Journal of Community Nursing, International Journla of Palliative Nursing and many more. Log in with your OpenAthens account.
Books and Journals on Nursing Specialisms
We have collections of books and journals on the following topics:
Community Nursing
Critical Care Nursing
Emergency Nursing
Mental Health Nursing
Nursing Older People
Oncology nursing
Maternal, Paediatric and Neonatal Nursing
- Maternal, paediatric, and neonatal nursing ebooks and books
- Maternal, Paediatric, and neonatal nursing ejournals
You will need Open Athens logins to access ebooks and ejournals listed.
This list of specialisms is not exhaustive, contact your local healthcare library for guidance on books and journal related to your role.
Clinical Guidelines
- Nice Guidance
- Leeds Health Pathways contains guidelines from all Leeds Healthcare Trusts and other organisations including the Yorkshire Cancer Network, NICE and various professional bodies. This resource is only available on an NHS networked device.
- Trip Pro (sign in with OpenAthens for access to Pro version). This database includes evidence-based guidelines.
Clinical Skills
- Royal Marsden Manual Online (Access through OpenAthens login) includes approximately 350 step-by-step procedures aimed at helping nurses standardize their processes and ensure quality patient outcomes. The Royal Marsden Manual provides detailed procedure guidelines based on the latest research findings and expert clinical advice, helping you to deliver clinically effective patient-focused care. This video provides assistance on how to use The Royal Marsden Manual. Highlights include:
- Flexible access - designed for smartphones, tablets and desktops – giving you access to content wherever suits you best
- Search function - a brand-new search engine to find procedures faster than ever before
- Can support you through the revalidation process
- Brand new videos clearly showing step by step procedures
- Includes access to both the Professional Edition and the brand new Cancer Manual
- (Access through OpenAthens login, for LCH and Leeds primary care staff only) Provides more than 250 fully illustrated step-by-step guidelines on clinical skills, covering: Adult Nursing, Children’s Nursing, Primary Care, and Moving and Handling.
- 8 RCNi Learning modules are currently free to access, created to support the nursing community during the Coronavirus pandemic.
- RCN Clinical Topics. The RCN provides a range of clinical advice and support to help nurses and health care professionals.
Learning Resources
These sites may be particularly useful for CPD and revalidation:
- Royal Marsden Manual, Student Companion Site. Learning activities and further reading linked to each chapter of the Royal Marsden Manual. Use the 'Browse by Chapter' or 'Browse by Resource' menus at the top of the page to access learning material.
- Royal College of Nursing Learning Resources. These online resources are free to access and provide an introduction to a growing range of nursing essentials.They can help you with your continuing professional development (CPD) and revalidation.
- 4 RCNi Learning modules are currently free to access, created to support the nursing community during the Coronavirus pandemic.
- HEE eLearning for Healthcare. (Access with OpenAthens or set up a free account). More than 400 elearning programmes in collaboration with organisations including Royal Colleges, Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and NHS Improvement.
- RCN Professional Services provide a range of tools which can help organisations to improve patient care and patient experience in the UK. Includes a small collection of free online learning, as well as RCN Accreditation and RCN Credentialing.
Medicines Information
- BNF. The British National Formulary (BNF) aims to provide prescribers, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals with sound up-to-date information about the use of medicines.
- BNF for Children aims to provide prescribers, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals with sound up-to-date information on the use of medicines for treating children.
- Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines. (Log in with OpenAthens to access). The essential evidence-based handbook on the safe and effective prescribing of psychotropic agents. Covering both common and complex prescribing situations encountered in day-to-day clinical practice, this comprehensive resource provides expert guidance on drug choice, minimum and maximum doses, adverse effects, switching medications, prescribing for special patient groups, and more.

Libraries are here to support you with the revalidation process.
Find out more about support for revalidation.
Current Awareness
View or subscribe to current awareness bulletins and newsletters, compiling recent news and publications relevant to nursing staff.
NMC newsletters. The NMC produce quarterly email newsletters of their latest news and updates. Newsletters are produced for professionals on their register, students, educators, the public and employers.
RCN Research and Innovation Bulletin. A fortnightly email bulletin on the very latest developments in the world of nursing research and innovation.
RCN Magazine. Online news and features aimed at RCN members and the wider nursing community.
Nursing Current Awareness Bulletin. Monthly.bulletin of recent publications relevant to nurses and midwives, produced by West Suffolk Hospital Library and Information Centre.
Your library service is here to support you in many different ways throughout your career. As well as the information resources highlighted on this page, we provide:
Information skills training, including tailored training for teams
Literature searching service
Study space and PCs
Support with Quality Improvement work
An OpenAthens account gives all NHS staff and learners access to a wide range of online resources.